Monday, December 1, 2008

A Few Thoughts on Extra Money Making Ideas

Hello, Everyone,

You know we all are feeling the crunch, and we need extra money making ideas. The world is a mess; we're in a recession. Yet so many look to the Internet with hope, don't they? For good reason too.

Here are a few suggestions from an online writer and marketer, me:

1) Keep your day job.
2) Start spending an hour or two every day
learning about how to really make money online.
3) Hold on to your hard earned cash until
you are sure a product is right for you.

It takes awhile to learn Internet marketing. It doesn't happen overnight and that's why I suggest you don't spend your money too fast. Do you know that some of the best Internet marketers have a philosophy that goes like this: They give their best information away for free. And that is one of my extra money making ideas for today.

Yes, these Internet marketers orchestrate their business-making-money-online as a free give-away business. Often when you finally buy their product(s), you're disappointed, because "gosh" the sales-letter landing page was so well written, the information in the emails or e-newsletters was so tremendous, but the product is crap.

Hey, what can we say? We got such incredible material up front for free. I know it's a disappointment when the product isn't totally stupendous. But we do know these Internet marketers put in tons of time working on the free stuff they gave us.

It's funny though--because some of these IMs are professional copywriters or they have the money for research teams or to hirer professional high-cost copywriters. But when it comes to the real product, they won't write it themselves or pay an excellent professional well-paid writer--no they will go to eLance or iFreelance and hire writers for as cheap as they can for "write for hire." The Internet marketer gets full rights and owns the writing. And they will publish ebooks from the material. This is how the big guys generate so many new products.

The material is usually still good. But often not as good as the sales copy and the free stuff.

You want to learn how to earn money quick and the fastest way to make money online. Well, for today, I say hold onto your money--usually--spend a couple of hours a day finding out what is out there. Subscribe to a few e-newsletters, see who you like and what you can learn from them. Test them. See who you can trust. Keep learning.

It's almost Christmas. We're in a recession. Hold fast. Learn much. We'll carry on this conversation again soon. Until then keep your eyes open for extra money making ideas for free.
