Monday, December 1, 2008

A Few Thoughts on Extra Money Making Ideas

Hello, Everyone,

You know we all are feeling the crunch, and we need extra money making ideas. The world is a mess; we're in a recession. Yet so many look to the Internet with hope, don't they? For good reason too.

Here are a few suggestions from an online writer and marketer, me:

1) Keep your day job.
2) Start spending an hour or two every day
learning about how to really make money online.
3) Hold on to your hard earned cash until
you are sure a product is right for you.

It takes awhile to learn Internet marketing. It doesn't happen overnight and that's why I suggest you don't spend your money too fast. Do you know that some of the best Internet marketers have a philosophy that goes like this: They give their best information away for free. And that is one of my extra money making ideas for today.

Yes, these Internet marketers orchestrate their business-making-money-online as a free give-away business. Often when you finally buy their product(s), you're disappointed, because "gosh" the sales-letter landing page was so well written, the information in the emails or e-newsletters was so tremendous, but the product is crap.

Hey, what can we say? We got such incredible material up front for free. I know it's a disappointment when the product isn't totally stupendous. But we do know these Internet marketers put in tons of time working on the free stuff they gave us.

It's funny though--because some of these IMs are professional copywriters or they have the money for research teams or to hirer professional high-cost copywriters. But when it comes to the real product, they won't write it themselves or pay an excellent professional well-paid writer--no they will go to eLance or iFreelance and hire writers for as cheap as they can for "write for hire." The Internet marketer gets full rights and owns the writing. And they will publish ebooks from the material. This is how the big guys generate so many new products.

The material is usually still good. But often not as good as the sales copy and the free stuff.

You want to learn how to earn money quick and the fastest way to make money online. Well, for today, I say hold onto your money--usually--spend a couple of hours a day finding out what is out there. Subscribe to a few e-newsletters, see who you like and what you can learn from them. Test them. See who you can trust. Keep learning.

It's almost Christmas. We're in a recession. Hold fast. Learn much. We'll carry on this conversation again soon. Until then keep your eyes open for extra money making ideas for free.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Email Copywriting Tips From a Yoda

"Once upon a time there was an email marketer who wrote long thoughtful email copywriting, but no one stopped to read or respond. One day a Yoda came to visit this distraught copywriter and offered an answer to her writing problems. Yoda said: Dear Email Copywriter: Love yourself, lighten up and have a sense of humor, because only then will readers be attracted to the joy, humor and kindness that emanates from your copy."

Maybe that is rule number one about email copywriting--have a good time. Inspire. Be positive. Lead gently and kindly. Make your reader feel good, alive and excited about you, your product and service. See what you can learn about this from the Internet Marketing Retirement plan. No need to take too seriously your duty to share helpful information and teach everything you know. Go ahead, tip toe through the tulips with a little Shakespeare on your mind, and remember the following:

* Be professional. Read and re-read your emails before hitting “Send.”
* Clean up typos, funny wording and mistakes.
* Get permission from recipients to email them by using double sign-ins.
* Make your email copywriting different, unique and better than your competitors.
* Learn and use web tool analytics to test and make your copy better.
* Offer quality freebies.
* Tell great stories.
* Pay attention to your headlines (subject lines).

You want to inspire, uplift and make people feel good, and you also want to write worthwhile and profound material. That can be a tall order. The fact of the matter is sometimes the job stumps us and all we can do is sit and stare at our computer with nothing to say. The Internet Marketing Retirement plan has tips on jump starting email writing and marketing as well. Here are some ideas for topics to write about in emails:

* Interview an employee or an executive in your business.
* Re-purpose content from a seminar.
* Write about an event, teleseminar or e-course you participated in.
* Write a How-To email.
* Tell a personal story.
* Find the top 10 hot topics on eBay.
* Talk about the benefits of social networking with Twitter or Squidoo.
* Give tips on ecommerce technology or automation tools.

But mostly remember to lighten up, enjoy yourself and entertain your reader. The Internet Marketing Retirement plan is a down-to-earth practical guide that includes email marketing instruction. You can begin by learning to write with a conversational tone. Talk to the internet community as if you were talking to a child with a short attention span who wants to be entertained and who will hang on every word of your email copywriting.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ewen Chia and Clickbank Ebooks

Hello, Everyone,

I want to tell you about how to sell clickbank ebooks, and especially about Ewen Chia. Ewen is one of the top affiliate marketers on the web. In addition, I want to personally witness here. A friend of mind, Cheri Walsh, started researching ways of earning money on the Internet about 8 years ago. She learned so much, and is truly a wealth of knowledge and a whiz kid today. She had an aversion to selling and writing marketing pages. She just wanted to give things away. Today she works in a company making money for someone else, doing Internet marketing.

She told me, however, that when she started out 8 years ago, Ewen Chia was also starting out. He was just a guy with a family in Singapore. Today this guy is “Big.” Ewen said he spent 5 hours a night from 11 pm to 4 am for a number of years teaching himself about Internet marketing. He recommends that newbies start out selling affiliate Clickbank ebooks, or any hot digital product. But Clickbank is one of the best affiliate programs on the web.

Ewen is known around the world today. He gives seminars and before people’s eyes with a computer and a big screen has made thousands of dollars instantly.

Cheri told me Ewen was a person who gives more –and goes the extra mile. I have bought a couple of his programs. The latest and best so far is posted at the top of this Blog. I trust Cheri and she thinks Ewen Chia is the best guy out there for Internet Marketing.

I’ve bought 2 or 3 of his e-book programs. You can’t go wrong with his training and information about ways to make passive income. Everything he has to say is right on. I am a proud owner myself of his latest program. Ewen Chia is a pro. Follow what he says, apply yourself and one of these days you’ll make money doing this too. Go ahead and click on the highlighted link in this blog and find out more about Ewen's program about selling your own products online, selling on eBay, and selling affiliate clickbank ebooks.

To Your Higher Return Always,


Monday, August 4, 2008

Hello, Everyone,

A quick note. I've been out of the Blog World for weeks now. But life ever moves forward in exciting ways. I have so much to share with you about making money online.

From Jay Abraham's free teleseminars on Joint Venturing, to Alex Mendosian's shoot to the top of success with his repackaging of Jay's and other free teleseminars--so many ways to find success on the Internet. Bob Bly's marriage to Internet Marketing after a 25-year mega-success as a prolific author and master print copywriter--to the discovery of other Internet girl- and boy-wonders, Ewen Chia and Avril Harper.

Whether you want to make money in the public domain, on eBay, Amazon, building a list, sending out ezines--I have more valuable information to share with you than you can imagine, really. I will talk to you about search engine optimization (SEO), setting up an Agora style website and much more.

Place this Shari Davis Blog in your Favorites/Bookmarks right now. Check in with me once a week. I promise, you, you will be happy you do. I'm going to share so much good information with you for free.

To an ever Higher Response,

Shari Davis

P.S. Remember learning to sell and to be a good marketer is one of the first steps to a successful Internet marketing career and any enterpreneural business. Check out books by Olgivy and Bencivenga; and today pick up a copy of Denny Hatch's book Method Marketing at Amazon. This book offers incredible knowledge and tips about direct mail and marketing. Also, take a look at the book review I wrote about Method Marketing (under my pen name KKay.