Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Gift for Music Lovers

Take a look at this 12 day special for music lovers. Enter to win an invitation to a private party with Neil Diamond and get a CD for under $9.00 at Amazon today. Every day for 12 days, there will be a different and new music special -- all kinds of music genres. This may be just the Christmas gift you've been looking for for that special someone -- who loves music, all kinds of music.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Online Writing and Sales

Hello, Everyone,

I want to share a few tips from my expertise in writing, sales and entrepreneurship. Writing really is a joy. You can express yourself and share all the things you know. People can get to know and respect you.

The first step to take in writing is a mental one. Decide you can do it. Because you can. No one taught you to walk or speak and you mastered it. Writing is not too far removed. Academicians may try to tell you there's a wrong way and right way. But your first step is to know you can do it--right or wrong. And just as in language the elite will try to tell you there's a right and wrong way to speak. In reality the rules of language are made up as we go. Language changes with each generation.

So start expressing yourself on paper today. This can be considered a first step in sells as well. You're going to sell yourself and your writing simply by writing. Share all the things you know and are expert in. Later you can start focusing on acceptability--if you need to, if you want to submit to an editor at a newspaper or magazine.

Entrepreneurs believe in themselves and understand that it is OK to be different and unique. Why? Because everyone is. No snowflake in the world is the same. Every person in the world is original as well.

Shari Davis